Networking (Wi-Fi)
General Information
Problems with your internet connection? It may be a problem with your device, network equipment, network configuration, or internet service provider. I offer free analysis of your network if there seems to be a basic issue. My price is basically whatever you can afford or what it is worth to you. This is a hobby for me.
Problems with Equipment or Performance
After analysis I will suggest configuration changes that will improve your network performance and security. If you have trouble connecting or just staying connected to your Wi-Fi network and have fairly new equipment, this usually fixes the issues at hand.
If your hardware is out of date, I will suggest new equipment that fits your needs best. Sometimes even with the best configuration, the equipment you have could simply not meet your needs. You may need additional or different equipment to increase your signal strength or bandwidth in some environments. It may also be as simple as relocating your equipment, although sometimes this is not so easy.
Security Issues
If your network does not require a password, all your information is at risk! If you are still giving out your personal Wi-Fi password to guests instead of having a guest network, it is time for a change!
There are typically at least two passwords for your network. One to connect to your Wi-Fi, and one to control access to reconfiguring your network. If you have not changed these from the default password, you still may be at risk.
There are also many types of encryption for your Wi-Fi. Using the highest type offered by your router is recommended unless some of your devices are too old. In this case, the highest supported security type is recommended. You can also mix security types (not recommended for performance) or have more than one Wi-Fi network with the same equipment and connect newer devices to the more secure network.
If you do not know your password(s) or would like to change it or secure your network with a new password, I can easily fix these security issues.
Problems with internet service provider
Contact your internet provider. If you are not sure whether it is your provider or your private network, contact me.